Three types of sales tags for online shop for different purposes – general sales, offer, discount etc. very simple but communicative. Price $3Download here

Badges and Sale Tags for Online Shop
Attractive Online Shop Badges, Buttons and Tags for your Online Shop, Make your Products/Promos Speak More!Download here

Web Boxes Banners Seals & Ribbons
These boxes are specially designed for the websites which are indeed of Highlight boxes or featuring any time on the websites and need of some cool graphics like seal icons ribbons and featured corner ribbons or some highlight banners and money back guarantee icons etc. Price $4Download here

Editable Sticker Pack
You can use them on website, banner, mailing or print material etc. The file included is a fully editable and organized PSD file. Very easy change the size and color. Price $3Download here

Premium Gold and Platinum Seals
Gold and Platinum Seals for everyone, maybe used for web and for graphics too, as it’s dimension is 2267 by 1442, now that’s large baby! -Includes the item preview and 2 ready-made PNG file, that was created using the save for web feature of photoshop at 15% of actual size. Price $4Download here

Categories: photoshop, psd, template, web element