Fractal art amazes us with its geometric shapes and rich colors and makes us want to gaze at it for hours just to understand its beautiful complexity and how to create it. Some people put these on their desktop backgrounds as wallpapers. I can’t figure out how they can do that with all these bright and contrasting colors. Some of them look almost like a cosmic explosion, having a divine similarity. Anyhow, enjoy the gallery.
Candle by =Jimpan1973
Translations by =n8iveattitude1
Kaleido_IFS_10 by *MickHogan
Fleur D'apo by *mynameishalo
Finding Neverland by *PeterPan81
When Night Falls by *Munch12
Dream Galaxy by ~Sophiiiii
Wintertime - by *coby01
Tabby... by =rockgem
Off Limits by *MaRoC68
The Happy Pumpkin Patch by *wolfepaw
Lil Robin Gift For rockgem by *missimoinsane
EscapeFrom4DimensionalCollapse by *MANDELWERK
Colorful Dragon by =Goldey--Too
try by ~philsh
Fractal Love by *lindelokse
Hearts and Horseshoes by ~bumpyduey
Impact by ~sci-clone
Wonderland - Technicolor by =magnusti78
Butterflies 2 by ~segami
RR2- Wonderland Forever by =magnusti78
-Air- by =silwenka
Passion by =thearchon
As Time Goes By by =magnusti78
New Year For Peace by =magnusti78
magical mushrooms by *LoonyL
Oriental Illusions by *AnnaKirsten
Blossoming Joy by ^DragonWinter
Candyland by `Yasny-chan
Every 100 Years by =magnusti78
Forever Friend by =Rhiannon104
Dreaming with Love by `Yasny-chan
Triptych by =Liuanta
Sun Dragon by *svet-svet
glassflower by ~jost1
2008 2 12 6 by *VirusNO1
Lollipop by `Yasny-chan
Twilight at Ra's Temple by =thearchon
Holidays by =n8iveattitude1
Never Ending by *Marsille
Graphite in Color by *LaPurr
For The Cure by ~CoRayBee
Spinal Tap 2 by =psion005
Ascending little flower by ~Oneiron
Golden Harvest by *jim373
Christmas Pong III by *jim373
I miss the summer by ~eReSaW
Big Bang Theory by *Mookiezoolook
Interstellar flower by ~Oneiron
Vivid Channels around the King by *FractalMonster
The Golden Ratio by *PeterPawn
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